Large-capacity battery storage

Large-capacity BESS is a key element in optimizing production from renewable energy sources, ensuring self-sufficiency and stabilizing the power grid.
With our batteries you can achieve greater efficiency and more environmentally operation.

Product range and usage

Our company offers container or cabinet BESS variants with scalable capacity.
Both variants can be used in a wide range of applications.

Modular battery Storage SG FLEX

FLEX is our most flexible and innovative model in the field of BESS. It can be installed both outdoors and indoors and is available in a wide range of power and capacity options. The installation of the entire system is simple, ensuring maximum safety and stability.

Container battery Storage SG

Container solutions typically provide higher overall capacity and are suitable for applications where higher power and capacity is required. It is a proven solution, ideal for ground installations of Renewable Energy Sources.


Smart integration of our hardware and software provides more options not only in the field of optimization.


Phase 1
Advisory services
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6


With us you’ll discover optimal solutions, not just for HW battery selection.